Mastering Menopause &
Get REAL Results with Yoga
Learn all about Menopause Yoga and how it can alleviate your symptoms and transform your life!
By Julie Ann Garrido, Certified Yoga Teacher and Menopause Specialist.
🤔 Tired of trying a million different medications, lotions and potions?
🤔 Looking for a natural alternative to HRT?
🤔 Looking for a solution that alleviates more peri/menopause symptoms than most?
🤔 Looking to start yoga but have no idea where to begin?
🤔 Already practicing yoga but it's just not working?
Join my FREE webinar and learn how easy it is to regain your energy, find inner calm, alleviate your peri/menopause symptoms, and take your health and fitness to a new level with yoga that's designed exclusively for peri/menopause, and all from the comfort of your own home!
BONUS: Upon registration you will receive a FREE e-Book with practical tips and advice on starting your peri/menopause yoga journey 🙏
In the webinar, I will be showing you:
✅ Why yoga is the #1 solution for menopause:
I'll be sharing why yoga can help alleviate more menopause symptoms than most other single solutions, all without having to leave your home.
✅ Why your home practice may be flawed:
I will be revealing where many go wrong when practicing yoga at home and why they end up abandoning their home practice.
✅ The secrets to a successful home practice
I will be showing you the 5 simple steps you can take to ensure that your home practice will flourish and give you real and tangible RESULTS!
BONUS: When you join me LIVE and stay until the end of the webinar, you'll be sent another FREE bonus - a comprehensive supplement guide for peri/menopause symptoms.
Meet your webinar host
Hi, I'm Julie, and I’m the founder of Yourself Yoga - a wellness company helping women navigate menopause. I am also a certified yoga teacher with accredited Menopause Yoga training.
I first started my yoga journey seven years ago after suffering crippling anxiety, loss of confidence, painful joints, brain fog, and hot flashes - all due to menopause. It was like being hit over the head with a brick, and over a short period of time, I became someone who I no longer recognised.
Living in the States at the time, I tried bio-identical hormones for a few months to alleviate symptoms. However, I quickly stopped taking them as they made me feel worse. Plus, I neither wanted nor believed in taking medication. Hadn't generations before we got through this stage of life without half the knowledge and know-how that we now have?
Starting yoga at the age of 53 was a pivotal moment in my life, and by practicing regularly, I noticed the huge improvement it had on my symptoms. I finally began to feel like me again!
Alongside yoga and meditation, I now share my knowledge, experience, and expertise in mindset, journaling, and manifestation techniques with women worldwide so that they can master their menopause without medication. And you can too!
Take your first step today and register for my webinar. I promise you won't be disappointed.