Struggling with sleep problems in menopause? Try Yoga Nidra.
Oct 31, 2023“I just can’t sleep. Either I can’t get to sleep, or I keep waking up in the middle of the night. I’m exhausted!” Sadly, I hear this all the time, and what’s so annoying is that you then fall into a deep sleep just as the alarm clock rings! But the good news is that there’s a totally natural solution that can help. It’s a sleep meditation called ‘Yoga Nidra’ and it’s a game changer for sleep problems in menopause.
Why is Yoga Nidra perfect for sleep problems in menopause?
Yoga Nidra or Yogic Sleep is an ancient meditation practice from India that requires you to simply listen to a guided sleep meditation in which you’re taken on a journey through various stages of relaxation and breathing techniques.
These relaxing techniques serve to completely relax both your mind and body and wait for it….a simple 45-minute Yoga Nidra practice is the EQUIVALENT OF 3 HOURS DEEP SLEEP!! This is deep relaxation on a whole new level, making it perfect for anxiety, fatigue, and sleep problems in menopause.
How does Yoga Nidra work?
Firstly, Yoga Nidra is unlike traditional meditations where you have to sit crossed legged as this you can practice it lying down. Also, unlike most meditations where you’re fully conscious, in Yoga Nidra you enter the dream state REM sleep where your thoughts slow down, and you enter that blissful ‘nothingness’ state. You’re neither alseep not awake, all you have to do is lie still and listen to the audio.
There’s also a further and final state that can be reached in Yoga Nidra and it’s one of deep surrender where your brainwaves slow right down, your heart mellows, and you simply surrender.
So profound is the relaxation at this stage that it’s often hard to open your eyes or even remember your name! It’s a far cry from the many sleep problems in menopause that leave you frantic and exhausted.
Will Yoga Nidra help all type of sleep problems in menopause?
Whether you can’t get to sleep or are troubled with disruptive sleep due to night sweats, restless legs, anxiety, or a monkey mind, Yoga Nidra can help.
Firstly, it helps you power down your mind and disconnect from all your to-do lists, and secondly it works to completely relax every part of your body, making it the perfect invitation for a good night’s sleep.
Yoga Nidra puts you into the most restorative state for your body, in which cortisol (the stress hormone) is removed from your system – which is why it’s perfect for all types of sleep problems in menopause.
Can Yoga Nidra be practiced during the day?
Sleep problems in menopause can leave you feeling exhausted and unable to cope with the day ahead, and that’s when Yoga Nidra also helps. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or stressed during the day, taking a short break to practice Yoga Nidra and recharge your batteries can work wonders.
A daytime Nidra will leave you feeling completely restored with more energy. And, because you don’t technically ‘sleep’ in Nidra, you won’t have that horrible groggy feeling on waking from a daytime nap. Plus, it won’t spoil your evening sleep later.
How do I start Yoga Nidra?
This is the easy part. Start by trying one of our popular Yoga Nidra meditations below. All you need to do is pop in some headphones, find a comfortable spot if you’re not practicing in bed and have something to keep you warm. That’s it, and away you go.
Depending on what your sleep problems in menopause are, either practice before you go to sleep or if you’re plagued with waking up during the night, have your headphones nearby. If you want to practice Yoga Nidra during the day, wear an eye mask or something to cover your eyes to help you relax into the practice.
Say goodbye to sleep problems in menopause
Yoga Nidra will help train your mind and body to relax so that you can enjoy a more restful and sound sleep. So, if you’re struggling with sleep problems in menopause, Yoga Nidra will help release stress and tension that ordinary sleep can’t resolve so that dealing with menopause and life’s daily challenges become that little bit easier. And remember, the more you practice, the better you will feel.
To enjoy further help and advice on managing sleep problems in menopause, download our FREE sleep guide.
For more Yoga Nidra meditations to help resolve your sleep problems in menopause, check out our online yoga for menopause platform and enjoy 7 days for FREE.
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