What to expect at a residential retreat for menopause wellbeing
Sep 26, 2023If you’re already thinking smoothies, liposuction, vigorous exercise, or walking on hot coals, then think again. These retreats are not health spas or detox boot camps, they're totally unique and rather special, so if you’re unsure what to expect at a menopause residential retreat, then you're in for a pleasant surprise.
Exclusively for menopausal women:
Our residential retreats provide an exclusive setting for women who all have one thing in common - the desire to improve their wellbeing during menopause. And this alone provides comfort and support; knowing that you're not alone on this challenging journey and you can all support each other.
A residential retreat provides an escape from everyday life:
A residential retreat provides a much-needed respite from the stresses of everyday life. Like a bubble suspended in time, it’s a place where all commitments are left behind, including loved ones, and where you can do something just for YOU and your wellbeing.
A chance to press reset:
Unlike family vacations or a girls’ weekend away, a residential retreat offers fun and relaxation of a different sort and includes connection, education, adventure, and the chance to press reset. We become so busy juggling work, family demands and menopause that we rarely pause and take stock. Residential retreats for menopause are there to help us understand that we too deserve time out.
A range of activities:
A typical day may start with gentle morning yoga and meditation (previous experience of either is not necessary). Daytime activities can include exploring the outdoors, enjoying the venue’s facilities, attending workshops, and indulging in pamper therapy. Evenings normally conclude with candlelight restorative yoga and maybe even a soothing sound bath experience.
More time to bond at a residential retreat:
Unlike our day retreats, the beauty of a residential retreat is that there’s much more time for bonding and connection with the other women. This usually takes place around the dining table, outdoors in the hot tub, on long walks or in late night chats around a log fire.
Strangers become friends:
The idea of sharing an immersive experience with strangers may seem daunting but one thing’s for sure; those same strangers will undoubtedly leave as friends with friendships lasting well beyond your residential retreat.
Menopause can be an overwhelming chapter in a woman's life which is why a residential retreat for menopause is quite possibly one of the best investments you'll ever make in your personal wellbeing. Surrounded by women who are all on the same journey, you will not only make life-long friends, you will learn skills and knowledge to change your mental and physical wellbeing. Knowing what to expect on a residential retreat is so important to your decision making - just as knowing what might be stopping you from going - so that you can gain the most from this magical experience. Trust me, once you've tried one you will want to experience more and more.
If this inspires you to try a menopause wellness retreat, check out our residential retreats that are exclusively for menopause.
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Meet your Menopause Retreat leader:
Julie Ann Garrido first qualified as a yoga teacher following her own experience in menopause. Unhappy with a medical approach to menopause, she turned to yoga to alleviate her struggles, and at the age of 53, she found the natural solution she'd been searching for. Realising the power of yoga in helping alleviate menopause symptoms, she became a certified menopause yoga teacher (one of only 600 worldwide) and now specialises in helping menopausal women take their first steps on the mat by creating an effective home yoga practice courtesy of online yoga membership for women that provides accessible and affordable, beginner-friendly menopause yoga.
Being an avid fan of yoga retreats herself, Julie soon rolled out her very own menopause retreats so that women could step off the hamster's wheel of symptoms to rest, recharge, and rediscover themselves. Today, via her UK and European retreats, she brings together women from all over the globe to bond, learn, and laugh, and to leave the misery of menopause behind.
“Nothing makes me happier than seeing the transformation that occurs at my menopause retreats. It really is like waving a magic wand."
~ Julie Ann Garrido